Sunday, February 24, 2013

Meet Suva!

The first of Maravu Acres' kids is here! Meet Suva a big, beautiful red buckling! We are thrilled that he has arrived and so is mom, Carmen....she worked quite hard to get him here on Friday....and thanks for Drs. Hutchins and Sumner of Farm Vet Services for helping us ensure everyone is OK (especially me as it seems I was the one most in need of assistance). We have high hopes for this little guy. Look for his first fiber cutting in about six months.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Labor and Delivery Room

The kids are coming! I have three does due to give birth over the coming month so I spent part of the weekend readying a spot for them to safely give birth and bond with their babies in a nice warm spot.

I'll be putting up tarps also to give them their privacy.

These are two of the girls that are probably quite ready for delivery day.

It's common for angora goats to have twins so I'm hoping for six sweet, tiny babies this year.

Ana is ready for them to come too....she takes her guarding job very seriously once the babies come.

Such a good girl.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Spring is coming....but not fast enough for some

Not been much new to report from around the farm this winter. Just feeding hay, slogging through mud, cleaning stalls, and feeding more hay. However, now that spring is on its way, things are starting to get interesting again. First up on the almost spring activity list was to shear the goats. Angora goats are sheared twice a year, in winter prior to the arrival of kids and in the late summer. During each six month period, each goat will grow approximately six inches of mohair. Amazing producers these goats. So Jonathon, our nomadic shearer came last week and sheared my goats bald....just in time for some freezing rain.

I can't say that the goats were too excited about this.

In fact I'd hazard a guess that they were quite UNhappy....

But I got close to 40 pounds of lovely I set up some heat lamps and told them to think warm thoughts until spring.